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Oklahoma Trivia and Interesting Facts
Here Are Some Little Known But Very Interesting Facts About Oklahoma ...
- The bread twist tie was invented in Maysville.
- The shopping cart was invented in Ardmore in 1936.
- The nation's first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City in 1935.
- The first Girl Scout Cookie was sold in Muskogee in 1917.
- Cimarron County, located in the Oklahoma Panhandle, is the only
county in the U.S. bordered by 4 seperate states... Texas, New
Mexico, Colorado & Kansas. - The Oklahoma State Capital is the only capital in the U.S. with
working oil wells on its grounds. - Boise City, Oklahoma was the only city in the United States to
be bombed during World War II. On Monday night, July 5, 1943, at
12:30am., a B-17 Bomber based at Dalhart Army Air Base, Texas,
dropped six practice bombs on the sleeping town, mistaking the city
lights as target lights. - WKY Radio in Oklahoma City was the first radio station
transmitting west of the Mississippi River. - The nation's first 'Tornado Warning' was issued on March 25,
1948 in Oklahoma City minutes before a devastating tornado. Because
of the warning, no lives were lost. - Oklahoma has the largest Native American population of any state
in the U.S. - The name 'Oklahoma' comes from two Choctaw words... okla meaning
'people' andhumma meaning 'red'. So the name means, 'Red People.'
The name was approved in 1890. - Oklahoma produced more astronauts than any other state.
- Oklahoma has more man made lakes than any other state.
- During the 'Land Rush', Oklahoma City and Guthrie went from vast, open
prarie to cities of over 10,000 in a single day. - The nation's first traffic 'Yield' sign was erected in Tulsa on
a trial basis. - Pensacola Dam is the longest multi-arched dam in the world at
6,565 feet. - The 'Port of Catoosa' (just north of Tulsa) is the largest
inland port in America. - The aerosol can was invented in Bartlesville.
- Per square mile, Oklahoma has more tornadoes than any other
place in the world. - The highest wind speed ever recorded on earth was in Moore ,
Oklahoma on May 3rd. 1999 during the Oklahoma City F-5 tornado.
Wind speed was clocked at 318 mph. - The 'Will Rogers World Airport' and the 'Wiley Post Airport'
are both named after two famous Okies....both killed in an airplane
And Oklahoma Towns Offer It All ---
Love the Summer?
- Poolville, Oklahoma
- Sunray, Oklahoma
Want Something To Eat?
- Corn, Oklahoma
- Grainola, Oklahoma
- Hominy, Oklahoma
- Olive, Oklahoma
- South Coffeeville, Oklahoma
- Sweetwater, Oklahoma
- Cookietown, Oklahoma
Why Travel To Other Cities? Oklahoma Has Them All?
- Cleveland, Oklahoma
- Orlando, Oklahoma
- Miami, Oklahoma
- Pittsburgh, Oklahoma
- Santa Fe, Oklahoma
- St. Louis, Oklahoma
- Chattanooga, Oklahoma
- Peoria, Oklahoma
- Burbank, Oklahoma
- Fargo, Oklahoma
Don't Forget The Wildlife!
- Wolfe, Oklahoma
- Eagle, Oklahoma
- Buffalo, Oklahoma
- Fox, Oklahoma
- Bison, Oklahoma
- Deer Creek, Oklahoma
- Elk City, Oklahoma
We Have A Town Named After A Number
- Fourty-One, Oklahoma
And A Town Whose Letters Don't Spell Anything...
- IXL, Oklahoma
And For The Sportsman Who Wants To Get Away From It All...
- Fisherman's Paradise, Oklahoma
We Even Have A City Named After Earth's Only Satellite!
- Moon, Oklahoma
And A City Named After Our State!
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Feeling A Bit Chilly?
- Snow, Oklahoma
- Slick, Oklahoma
- Cold Springs, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Is Full Of Love!
- Lovedale, Oklahoma
- Loveland, Oklahoma
- Lovell, Oklahoma
- Bigheart, Oklahoma
- Loyal, Oklahoma
Like To Read About The Presidents?
- Adams, Oklahoma
- Taylor, Oklahoma
- Fillmore, Oklahoma
- Grant, Oklahoma
- Taft, Oklahoma
- Johnson, Oklahoma
- Lincoln, Oklahoma
- Jefferson, Oklahoma
- Reagan, Oklahoma
- Wilson, Oklahoma
- Roosevelt, Oklahoma
- Carter, Oklahoma
- Clinton, Oklahoma
- Washington, Oklahoma
Other City Names In Oklahoma To Make You Smile...
- Frogville, Oklahoma
- Loco, Oklahoma
- Bushyhead, Oklahoma
- Bugtussle, Oklahoma
- Hooker, Oklahoma
- Slaughterville, Oklahoma
- Bowlegs, Oklahoma
- Slapout, Oklahoma
And Regardless What Side Of The Fence You're On...
- Gay, Oklahoma
- Straight, Oklahoma